Let’s Take a Walk!

Let’s Take a Walk! Walking, Medical Necessity and Billing Join us today as we take a few minutes to explore medical necessity issues surrounding patients who can ambulate and how that fact alone may affect billing for an ambulance transport. Medical Necessity Any claim for payment billed for ambulance transport must meet a medical necessity […]

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Billing for ALS Assessments

Billing for ALS Assessments Often misunderstood EMS billing is a science all of its own. One of the often misunderstood topics is when and how to properly bill for an ALS Assessment. Today’s blog serves to educate our clients and friends who read this space regarding when and how to bill for an ALS Assessment. […]

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Defining EMS for our Communities

Defining EMS for our Communities “Foot Pain” “County 9-1-1 dispatching EMS Station 90 for unknown medical emergency, female patient with foot pain. Ambulance 91 is due at 2040 hours.” That’s your scenario as it cracks through the Minitor. “Foot pain?” You ask yourself. Really? Someone actually called 9-1-1 to request an ambulance for foot pain? […]

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