
November 12, 2019
Keynote Presentation:  The Economics of Emergency Medical Services 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Register Every company, organization and established business is affected by economics.  EMS has long been challenged by the ever-powerful changing dollar and it's in your best interest to know your numbers and everything that comes from making those numbers work for your […]


September 12, 2019
EMS Keynote Presentation - Plastic Makes it Possible 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER E-Commerce is growing at an unprecedented rate across the globe in every industry including EMS. Join us as we discuss best practices for accepting online payments and how to remain PCI compliant. Should you have questions regarding class content or participation please contact […]


July 18, 2019
Documentation Training for EMS Personnel 3:00 PM REGISTER This program is available for all personnel with involvement in the emergency medical services and the air medical industry. The webinar is structured for both the air and ground industry. Should you have questions regarding class content or participation please contact clientservices@quickmedclaims.com


November 7, 2019
QMC Keynote Speakers Series: Understanding the Medicare Fee Schedule 3:00 PM (EST) REGISTER Medicare payments are a big portion of many EMS agency’s cash flow, accounting for 50%, 60% and in some parts of the United States as much as 70% or more of the payer mix. While we all know that Medicare payments change […]


September 25, 2019
QMC Keynote Speakers Series: The Pros and Cons of Billing for Refusals and Treat/No Transports 3:00 PM (EST) REGISTER Join Edie Valencia, QMC's Corporate Trainer, along with EMS Directors from client organizations currently billing for refusals and treat/no transport service as well as Directors whose organizations have made a decision NOT to bill this patient […]


May 16, 2019
Compliance Update: Understanding the Medicare re-validation process for ambulance services 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER Join QMC’s Compliance Department led by Carl Pfatteicher, Esq. and Mollie Troy, Compliance Officer as they discuss the CMS Re-validation process and how it affects your organization. Discussion points include monitoring and addressing the overall process as well as when to […]


May 15, 2019
QMC 10Q30 Client Profile: LifeMed Alaska, Anchorage, AK 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER Please join us for our first 10Q30 Client Profile Series featuring LifeMed Alaska based in Anchorage, AK. LifeMed Alaska, LLC provides 24/7 critical care air ambulance services throughout Alaska with full-scope transports for adult, pediatric, neonate and high-risk obstetric patients using an advanced […]


January 21, 2020
Cost Data Collection:  Understanding and Utilizing the CMS Cost Data Collection Instrument 11:00 am pm (EST) REGISTER There's a ton of activity occurring within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) right now.  Much of the CMS Activity is related to the NEW Cost Data Collection process which all ambulance organizations in the US […]


November 18, 2020
QMC 10Q30 Client Profile Series: Client Organization TBA* 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER *If your organization is interested in being featured in an upcoming QMC 10Q30 webinar please contact clientservices@quickmedclaims.com


September 16, 2020
QMC 10Q30 Client Profile Series: Client Organization TBA* 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER *If your organization is interested in being featured in an upcoming QMC 10Q30 webinar please contact clientservices@quickmedclaims.com