
April 28, 2020
Zoom Webinar
COVID-19 Q&A Session 7:00 PM (EST) REGISTER Overwhelmed with the amount of emails and flyers you are receiving about COVID-19 Funding?  We can help you sort through it during this informative webinar.  Bring your questions to our panel and we will provide you with answers to help you navigate these funding waters. Topics to be […]


April 28, 2020
Zoom Webinar
COVID-19 Q&A Session 11:30 AM (EST) REGISTER Overwhelmed with the amount of emails and flyers you are receiving about COVID-19 Funding?  We can help you sort through it during this informative webinar.  Bring your questions to our panel and we will provide you with answers to help you navigate these funding waters. Topics to be […]


April 2, 2020
Keynote Presentation:  The FAA Re-authorization Act of 2018 (FAA Act) and the Air Ambulance Patient Billing Advisory Committee 3:00 PM EST REGISTER If you're in the Air Medical industry this webinar is a must. Quick Med Claims' own Ed Marasco has been serving as an adjunct member of the Air Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory […]


February 27, 2020
HIPAA Compliance---Are You Gambling with Your Organization’s Financial Well-Being? 3:00 PM EST REGISTER Join Mary Craig, Chief Compliance Officer from Quick Med Claims as she provides insight on HIPAA Compliance and key matters that you need to adhere to in order to avoid financial problems and pitfalls that can occur.  Please register today for this […]


January 8, 2020
Compliance Update:  Laptops, Desktops and Tablets...Does your Organization Have Its HIPAA House in Order? 3:00 PM EST REGISTER Have you see the headlines of late?  A first for the EMS Industry has just taken place.  An ambulance provider has been fined by the Feds for a HIPAA breach and without question, EMS is on the […]


November 17, 2020
Understanding Cyber-security and Important Considerations for Emergency Medical Services 3:00 PM EST REGISTER Seems like a day doesn't go by where the local or national news doesn't comment about a cyber-attack or security breach.  Cyber-security is a hot topic across most every industry in America today.  EMS is no exception and can be, in many […]


March 17, 2020
Difficult Conversations 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER Supervisors and line medics work closely together each day.  Over time, bonds form and when a need exists to have a frank and challenging conversation with one of your staff, the task is both daunting and a bit un-nerving. Back again is Sean Kukauskus, Ambulance Director from Spaulding Rehabilitation […]


January 21, 2020
Cost Data Collection:  Understanding and Utilizing the CMS Cost Data Collection Instrument 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER There's a ton of activity occurring within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) right now.  Much of the CMS Activity is related to the NEW Cost Data Collection process which all ambulance organizations in the US will […]


January 14, 2020
Using Data to Improve and Substantiate Your EMS Operation 3:00 pm (EST) REGISTER Our industry is overwhelmed with data of all types.  Response times, crew structure, medication administration and general operations provides us data to review and closely examine.  Have you used the data you are provided each day to improve your EMS operation?  Believe […]


November 25, 2019
Cost Data Collection - What We Know 3:00 PM EST Register So, you've seen the list recently published by CMS and you are either nervous about this thing termed "Cost Data Collection" or you want to learn more to be better prepared for what's ahead.  Whether your organization's name has been drawn for the first […]