Ground Ambulance Cost Data Collection- How’s it going? By Chuck Humphrey, B.A., EMT-B, CAC, CACO, CADS, * Was Your Agency Selected? Was your EMS agency selected in Year One or Year Two to be mandated to collect and report cost data? If your answer is YES, then you should...
Another Year- You’re Still Here! By Chuck Humphrey, B.A., EMT-B, CAC, CACO, CADS, * EMS Week 2022 EMS Week 2022 is here! Another year and you’re still here.  Each time we pause to celebrate your accomplishments as an EMS provider, manager, administrator, volunteer, career staffer…whatever role you play…it’s a celebration...
FEDERAL NO SURPRISES ACT (NSA): WHERE ARE WE TODAY? By Edward Marasco, MPM, CMTE, EMT-P (ret.)* PART II The No Surprises Act (NSA) was passed late in 2020 and the regulatory process unfolded in a frenzy throughout 2021. Providers and health plans alike have struggled to prepare for the...
FEDERAL NO SURPRISES ACT (NSA): WHERE ARE WE TODAY? By Edward Marasco, MPM, CMTE, EMT-P (ret.)* PART I The No Surprises Act (NSA) was passed in late 2020 and the regulatory process unfolded in a frenzy throughout 2021. Providers and health plans alike have struggled to prepare for the go...
Do You Remember the HIPAA BAA? By Chuck Humphrey, B.A., EMT-B, CAC, CACO, CADS, * It was 2003… When the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 finally became a reality with regards to the relationship between a healthcare provider of service known as the Covered Entity and...
RSNAT Prior Authorizations and the PCS by Rebecca Illig, QMC Compliance Manager In 2014… In 2014 CMS initiated a Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation (RSNAT) prior authorization demonstration program for certain states. These included South Carolina, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The program was expanded in December of 2015 by CMS...
Managing Critical Conversations in a Tense Social Climate By Chuck Humphrey, B.A., EMT-B, CAC, CACO, CADS* Tense! Does it seem like everyone is tense today? Tense- A feeling, showing, or causing mental strain; anxious. Sound familiar? It’s the world we live in today. There are a host of tense people....
Medicare Prior Authorization Expansion- What Does It Mean for You? By Chuck Humphrey, B.A., CAC, CACO, CADS, EMT-B* The Time Has Come Unless you are Rip Van Winkle and you’ve been snoozing for a long, long winter’s nap, I’m hoping by now that you are aware that the Centers for...
Dance with Who Brought Ya’ By Gary Harvat CMTE, EMT-P (ret)* Over the course of one’s professional career, there are individuals that move in and out of our life. Some for the positive and some, not so much. From those that influence us in a positive light, we learn, we...
No Surprises Act Medical Transport Playbook: Part 2 By Edward R. Marasco, MPM, CMTE, EMT-P (ret.)* As we approach the Holiday Season, we are excited about the Pitt Panthers earning an ACC Football Championship and a Peach Bowl berth. It has been a wild ride. The Panthers, along with all...