3 Important Things the EMS Front Office Must Teach EMS “Newbies” About Billing They won’t osmose… While updating our CPR certification recently, a quick scan of the room produced a very young student face or two. You know the eager beaver look of a person that is so new to...
Between the Lines Never a Time We’re going to begin this post with a blunt statement. There is never a time when your ambulance billing office can read between the lines! We talk A LOT about the documentation of ambulance transports in this space. Today we’re going to get about...
Non-Emergency Transports- Two Questions to ALWAYS Ask Big Brother’s Watching! Never before has the ambulance industry been so much under the microscope when it comes to billing and receiving payment for ambulance transports- especially non-emergency transports. Federal Government, State Governments, you name it. “Big Brother” is watching what we do....
Insurance Coverage Doesn’t Mean Insurance Payment In the news… The local newspaper that serves the area surrounding the offices featured a story about a large hospital system in this area that is realizing significantly lower insurance payments as the effects of the Affordable Healthcare Act (a.k.a. “Obamacare”) kick in. “Just...
Taking Aim at System Abusers Past History- “Villainizing” the Service Providers If you follow the news regarding entitlements like we do, then you have probably noticed a growing trend toward what we consider to be the “villainizing” of healthcare providers that bill Medicare and Medicaid. Everyone seems to want to...
The Significance of One Hundred Late last week, we published our 100th blog post. It’s not something we were anxiously counting down to, nor waiting to celebrate—that’s just not our style. In fact, the “centennial” wasn’t even on our radar, and (quite honestly) we discovered it by happenstance. In realization of this milestone however, we...
Bill Extending Ambulance Bonus Payments, Delaying ICD-10 Passes Senate Last Minute Action With reimbursement cuts looming for the ambulance industry today, The Senate voted 64-35 in favor of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (H.R. 4302) late last evening effectively delaying those cuts. The bill now moves to...
12 More Months/ICD-10 Delayed? Good News! Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a stop-gap measure to once again extend the ambulance bonus payments for another year. That’s really good news! Better News… But even better news was another part of the same bill passage. That part sets up a...
Excellent Patient Care Provider? Prove It with Your Documentation! You’re the Best! In our opinion, everyone who’s ever taken a class and has become an EMS First Responder is the best! The question echoed by a very wise instructor one time, replays itself in the memory banks… “If not for...
The Window of Opportunity- Insurance Info and Signatures The Best Time With all the changes that are happening in the healthcare industry in the United States right now, more than ever it’s important that EMS field providers engage patients to collect demographic information, especially insurance information, in the field. The...