Is Your EMS Agency Experiencing Payer Mix Shuffle? It’s happening now… There’s no doubt healthcare in America is being changed daily. The Affordable Care Act (of you may refer to it as “Obamacare”) is changing the face of the healthcare and the health insurance landscape in America. How is all...
Effectively Obtaining a Signature in the Field We Get It As EMS providers, we understand that one of the least favorite things you do in the field is to obtain a patient’s signature. From the standpoint of an EMS field provider it often seems like an unnecessary requirement, a burden...
Adding EMS Routines? 3 Key Questions to Ask Prior to Taking the Leap Increase volume. Increase cash flow…not so fast! As an EMS billing contractor, we increasingly are contacted by our clients about the pros and cons of adding routine/non-emergency ambulance transports to the daily repertoire. It’s a big decision....
Choosing an ePCR Program that Fits Happening Now! If you follow EMS communications either online or in print, by now we’re sure you’re aware that two competing electronic Patient Care Reporting (ePCR) companies have recently locked horns in patent court over what one company asserts is a patent infringement by...
Understanding the Medicare Prior Authorization Demo Project Repetitive Scheduled Non –Emergent Ambulance Transports The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) just announced that they will pilot a demonstration project to pre-authorize Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Transports. Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Transports are defined when the same patient is transported three or...
Who’s the New Guy? Really? The new hire… Staffing is tight. You just worked an extra 16 hours this week to fill the holes in the schedule which looks like swiss cheese on paper. In walks someone new that you never met. He (or she) sticks out his hand, shakes...
More Medicare Claim Processing Insight- Transporting ESRD Patients for Dialysis Second Week in a Row… Last week we filled this space with information from the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) handling Part B claims in Ohio and Kentucky regarding their Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) findings. We provided you with a...
“Ambulance Service: Incomplete Documentation”- The CERT Perspective It Doesn’t Happen Often… Not often do we ever get a chance to gain a first-hand look into how decisions are made by Medicare compliance auditors. This week we had the chance to do so. CGS- J15 MAC CERT Our e-mail inbox chimed...
The ABC’s of an Ambulance Billing Company DNA There are many ambulance billing companies out there. These companies come in all sizes and shapes. Some are good; really good. Some are bad; really bad. A really good ambulance billing company has a basic DNA that involves these ABC’s. The same...
Without You? Imagine… Imagine your world without EMS. Hard to do isn’t it? What would your community do if you and the other “you’s” that make up your local first responder scene didn’t do what you do, everyday? Think about what you contribute to your community as an EMS provider....