One Last Look at Ambulance Billing in 2014- What’s Next? You Deserve a Break! We’re going to make this our last blog post for 2014. You deserve a break! But before we sign-off to celebrate the season, we thought we’d take a moment to reflect on the year that’s been...
The End to Medicare “Back Billing” Save the Date! Mark this date on your calendar- February 3, 2015. This is the date that sweeping and historic changes will take effect for the Medicare program. Late last week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the final rule on...
The Ambulance Billing Office Christmas Gift List Easy to please… Now there may be those of you who differ in your opinion, but take it from those of us who have been part of an ambulance billing office for a long time, we’re actually easy to please. With that in...
Grading the Documentation Pop Quiz-Scenario 2 Wrapping it up… We wrap up the Our Documentation Quiz, 3-Part series this week with our discussion of “Scenario 2.” If you missed the first week’s post that outlines Scenario 2, use the blog home page to drill down to our post two weeks...
CMS Releases 2015 Zip Code Changes Affecting Ambulance Bonus Payments AAA Challenges CMS-Revisions Possible Change Announced Last week the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the final rule that sets in motion a significant shift in the way that geographical areas are determined to identify urban versus rural...
Grading the Documentation Pop Quiz-Scenario 1 How did you do? Last week in this space we began a 3-part series that we entitled “Our Documentation Quiz.” If you missed it, we suggest that you skip down and read the post or you’ll be lost by reading this week’s post. We...
Our Documentation Quiz Pop Quiz Regular readers of this space know that we focus a lot on Patient Care Reports and the documentation in those reports. The real purpose of this blog space is to help all of you become better documenters while calling your attention to the rules and...
Why so much personal information? Congratulations! So you say you’ve just been elected to the Board of Directors or you’ve become an Officer or both for your local EMS Agency. Congratulations! We applaud your willingness to step up to lend your wisdom and leadership capabilities to make a difference in...
3 Reasons the Billing Office Can’t Bill Your EMS Incident We polled the staff… This week we polled our staff here in the Enhanced Management Services billing office to learn what their biggest hurdles are when processing incoming Patient Care Reports (PCRs) for billing. Our staff are on the front...
Using a Billing Company to Protect Your Agency Against Theft In the news… Every time the subject is in the news, we cringe. Another trusted person controlling the check book for a non-profit or volunteer Fire/EMS organization has been charged with a financial crime. It happens all the time. The...