Dissecting “The Misunderstoods”- Part II- Billing for SCT “The Misunderstoods” There are two level of service categories that we lump into a bucket called “The Misunderstoods” of ambulance billing. Two weeks ago we blogged about the Advanced Life Support, Level 2 (ALS2) level. Today, in Part II, we focus on...
Effectively Documenting Cold Weather Emergencies Here in PA This weekend is going to be the coldest weather we’ve experienced here in the area of our home office in Pennsylvania, so we're taking a break from our 'Billing for ALS 2' series. We'll pick back up with Part II in next...
Dissecting “The Misunderstoods”- Part I- Billing for ALS 2 “The Misunderstoods” There are two level of service categories that we lump into a bucket called “The Misunderstoods” of ambulance billing. Those billing levels are the Advanced Life Support, Level 2 (ALS 2) and the Specialty Care Transport (SCT). There remains...
Railroad Medicare Pre-Pay Review Upcoming It’s coming… In communication from Railroad Medicare (Palmetto GBA) last week, the ambulance industry was notified that the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Office of Inspector General (RRB OIG) and the Office of Inspector General U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS OIG) together with...
Presidential Politics and EMS Possibly the Most Colorful Race Ever In case you haven’t noticed, 2016 ushers in another Presidential election year. It’s time for the United States of America to elect a new White House occupant. This election cycle is turning out to be one of the most colorful...
Small Change- Significant Impact New Year, New Numbers With the New Year comes new changes, especially from Medicare. We’ve all become accustomed to each new calendar year ushering in changes to the Medicare fee schedule. The New Year brings new numbers with dollar signs. This year, for the first time...
New Year’s Resolutions for a Happy EMS Billing Office It’s 2016! Wow! It’s 2016! It’s hard to believe we’ve entered a New Year. Wasn’t the 4th of July like yesterday? Ready or not, here we are. It’s January and time to make those famous New Year’s resolutions. Of course, in...
You ARE a Gift! The Season This season is a busy time! If you’re all like all of us, we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to find that perfect gift, at the perfect price for that special someone. The holiday season is also a...
The Power of EMS in Politics What’s it all mean? It’s hard to ignore that we are fast rolling into the election cycle to choose the next President of the United States. Media outlets everywhere are bombarding us with the latest sound bites and poll numbers, ad nauseum. But, what’s...
Using the Buddy System to Prepare PCRs Where’d the day go? As a billing company, we often hear tales of woe as the administrative persons we work with share their challenges over getting their staff to complete Patient Care Reports in regular fashion. Let’s face it, EMS is a busy...