Properly Executing the Medicare ABN-Part II Just about one year ago, we used this blog space to publish a two-part series on how to properly execute the Medicare ABN. With the release of this new form, we think it is important to loop back and re-post the series once again...
UPDATE-Properly Executing the Medicare ABN-Part I Misunderstood The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has just announced the release of the revised Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN). It is important that those of us in the ambulance world who use this form on a regular basis begin to...
Repetitive Transport Documentation- Consistency is Important The Same Patient Repeat patients often suffer from chronic illnesses that persist during a period of their life span. Some patients never escape from their condition and others, thankfully improve to the point that they no longer require ambulance transportation. Because we interact with...
The Payer Mix Barometer Fascination Remember those big old barometers that your father or grandfather had on his desk or hanging on the wall? It probably had the company logo of the business where he worked and was one of those milestone gifts one picks out of a catalog of...
3 Reasons the Billing Office Can’t Bill Your EMS Incident Blogger’s Note… From time to time we pick out some of our most informative and memorable blog posts from the past and breathe new life into them. This is one of those posts. The information comes from a poll we...
SSNRI and What it Means for EMS Agency What is SSNRI SSNRI is the Social Security Number Removal Initiative. The Federal Government is mandating that all Social Security Numbers (SSNs) be removed from Medicare cards by April 2019. A new number called the MBI- Medicare Beneficiary Number will replace the...
New “Locality Rule”, New Problem Let’s Review If you’ve followed this space or have been connected to the EMS billing world for a fair amount of time, you should recognize the impact of the phrases “nearest hospital” and “closest appropriate facility.” Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rules for...
The Do’s and Don’t’s of PCS Signatures Signature Focus The Physician Certification Statement (PCS), required by Medicare for all non-emergency transports, can confuse even the seasoned ambulance administrator and billing office. While the document itself can be confusing, determining the person who can properly sign can be an even more...
Compliance by Accident…is an Accident Waiting to Happen! Out of Sight…Out of Mind How many of you reading this blog, right now, have a compliance plan located somewhere in your office or somewhere in the station? You know what I mean, that big binder book with a lot of paper,...
Why is S. 967 So Important to the Ambulance Industry? Part IV S.967- Part IV Today we land Part IV of our blog posts dedicated to helping us all understand the importance of Senate Bill 967 entitled the “Medicare Ambulance Access, Fraud Prevention and Reform Act of 2017.” In that...